Episode 530 – Retro-Thanksgiving

This podcast celebrates Retro-Thanksgiving, a perfect celebration for those of us separated from our loved ones Thanksgiving 2020. Often when I’m separated from family and friends during key periods in our lives, I enjoy remembering the good times we did share to lift my spirits. This year when I joined millions worldwide experiencing their Mother of All  holiday separations from loved ones, I turned to my past Thanksgiving podcasts. I recorded this one in 2011.

I heartily recommend reminiscences of happy holidays past to comfort you and lift your spirits. Just those 5 minutes of  Thanksgiving memories made me think about others. Then others. My own and those shared directly or indirectly by those I knew and some I did not.

The more I did this, the more I realized that we often think of  such memories as mere condiments in good times. But in difficult years like this one, these recollections of times spent with loved ones and special people and animals can provide the ingredients for a memorable holiday even when we’re alone.