Episode 136 – The Joys of a Miserable Winter

Is there any place where spring begins the day the calendar says it does? It used to in my area, but now it arrives here earlier, about 2 weeks so.

When I was editing this podcast, I realized that climate change has revealed yet another of those paradoxes in human behavior. It would seem that those the most remote from nature would be the least bothered by some of the extremes in weather that this has caused, and those most attuned to nature would be the most upset. But my experience has been the opposite: those who are most attuned to nature seem to adapt to the changes better.

At first this didn’t make sense to me. But then I wondered if one reason might be because the ability to accept change, albeit perhaps not at the rate and magnitude it’s occurring now, is the norm in nature. As one naturalist put it, “Adapt or die.” But for those who dwell in a man-made world where control is the main goal, change that they can’t control is the enemy, perhaps because it exposes their impotence in the overall scheme of things.

If I were their therapists, I’d tell them to go for a walk in the woods, regardless of the season. It would do them good.