Episode 174 – Behavioral Webs

Sometimes when I listen to these podcasts after I’ve recorded and edited them, it strikes me that I may have meandered a little bit more off the path than I usually do. This time, I could say that I detected an annoying clunk in the recording, the origin of which I couldn’t determine any more than I could completely eliminate it.

But the truth is that in my heart I know the events described in this podcast are related. But for some reason, my head apparently didn’t get the message. I will say that one possible explanation that I didn’t mention in the podcast because it didn’t occur to me until later, is that my dog did what she did because she made a connection between the words “pill” and “pillow.”  She’d have certainly heard my folks say both words often, plus research makes it clear that dogs are much better at understanding human speech than most of us are at understanding theirs.