Episode 187 – Forever Blackmail

This podcast discusses one example of a type of communication that’s becoming disturbingly common in the animal-related arena: emotional blackmail. Those with products or services to sell try to convince us that purchasing these expresses love for our animals. And if we refuse, some even may try to make us feel guilty or irresponsible.

However other forms of emotional blackmail such as the one discussed in this podcast are more insidious. These folks extract seemingly reasonable promises from us when we lack the time and sometimes knowledge to properly analyze their full meaning. When this occurs we don’t even realize we’ve been blackmailed until we later discover that the demand to which we agreed could undermine instead of enhance our relationship with our animals.

In these cases, it’s difficult not to wonder about the blackmailer’s motivation. If the promise extracted ultimately could undermine the animal’s health, behavior, and relationship with us, love of animals doesn’t seem like the likely motivator.