Getting Fixed Theme and Future Audio Downloads

First, I want to thank all of you who listened to Getting Fixed and look forward to you comments, either in the blog or personal email to me at  For those who asked, a complete recording of the theme song for the book, Irritations into Pearls by Jeff Firestone is available for your listening enjoyment here. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll find it.

When Jeff gave me a CD of his compositions, this is the one that immediately struck me reflecting the tone of the story and its characters. When I asked him what’s its name was, he said that it had none, but then remembered later that this was the only composition on that disk that did have a name and its name was Irritations into Pearls. I considered that a good omen because that image so perfectly suma up what Khali went through, and what so many of do when we come to grips with animal-related issues we’d rather avoid. At first, they irritate the hell out of us and sometimes the process is downright painful. But if we hang in there, we learn so much about ourselves and animals that the end result is something quite worthwhile and lovely.

Just before I started writing this, I ordered a digital voice recorder in hopes that I’ll be able to master its technology and periodically share more pod-casts with you. My goal is to be able to record away from the computer because there are times when I’m out with the dogs, working in the garden, or thinking about something I read or heard on the radio as it relates to animals that I’d like to share. But by the time I get back to the computer to record or write about it, pffftt, it’s gone. I’d worry about this, but there’s been some great news this past week about how the brains of us more mature folks process input differently and yes, even more wisely than those who may be more fleet of foot. Whew! I like this explanation much better than my fears of creeping senility!

If you have any ideas regarding future pod-casts, please let me know about them, too.