Episode 252 – Quantity vs. Quality Exercise

This batch of meandering explores the relationship between exercise and canine behavior, specifically the myth that more exercise equals better behavior. Originally I intended a more inclusive discussion about this effect in multiple species of companion animals, but quickly realized such a podcast would last days. Instead I offer this abbreviated version that I hope will inspire you pay attention to other forms of animal exercise in a variety of species that may sacrifice quality for quantity.

For example, in spite of the numerous trails in my area, I routinely see people riding horses on narrow winding roads where a vehicle suddenly could come around a curve and frighten horse, rider, and driver. Obviously, some very persuasive reason must compel these riders to put themselves, their animals, and the vehicles’ drivers and any passengers in such a potentially dangerous position. I’ve spent several decades trying to figure out exactly what that compelling reason might be. So far I’ve yet to come up with one I consider worth the risk. If one occurs to you, I’d welcome the enlightenment.