Episode 5 – The Foxy Rosetta Stone of Animal Behavior and Physiology

This podcast is about a study I consider a virtual Rosetta Stone relative to understanding the relationship between physiology, behavior, and domestication: the Russian Farm Fox Study. While recording it, I managed to stay out of range of the playing dogs most of the time and edited out most of the “ums” and breathiness that occurred when I tried to outrun or outsmart them. I’m beginning to get the feeling that they’ve made the connection between my using the voice recorder and canine party time. Simultaneously I was trying to outrun a storm because I didn’t think crashing thunder and rain pounding on my metal roof would do much for sound quality, either. But as I discovered and so will you when you listen to this, trying to do that while giving the evil eye to the fuzzy dog on the coffee table (!) taking a bead on the corgi below while saying the words “immature immune response” isn’t  easy!