BeeBee Paranoia

BeeBee has less control over the left side of her face. That plus her much shorter lower jaw causes saliva sometimes to collect on her down side when she sleeps. There’s never been much of it so I forgot all about it. But yesterday I looked down at her sleeping under my desk and noticed a distinct pink color around her lips and immediately thought, “Oh, my God, what’s happened to her!” Ridiculous visions of that as yet unidentified damaged part of her brain leaking out through the roof of her mouth vied with those of some unacknowledged infirmity causing spontaneous oral hemorrhage that resulted in her to bleed out literally at my feet.

But in spite of my Olympic-quality imagination, the fear-mongers didn’t win this time. Instead I looked down at her sleeping there the same way I’d look at any normal pup…


…and realized she was sleeping on my old, red-covered dictionary which, I admit, I’d allowed her to do some teething on. When she then used that same dictionary as a pillow, that otherwise insignificant amount of drool was enough to cause the cover’s red dye to stain her fur.

Such is the nature of the paranoia always waiting to consume those whose pets have some condition of unknown origin and prognosis.

1 Comment
  1. What a perfectly lovely observation.