BeeBee’s Best Bubby

It’s been rightfully, albeit jokingly, pointed out to me by my best bud in whole world, Ann Firestone, that I did not acknowledge her role in bringing BeeBee into my life. It was Ann who immediately thought of me when she and Mary Taylor saw the pup and Ann who broached the subject of me taking her.  In spite of my vow never to get another corgi after Violet the Wonderdog died, Ann intuitively knew BeeBee and I would be a match.

How did I forget Ann in the commentary? It’s simple. Ann is like air, such an important part of my life I can’t imagine life without her.  I love her for the same reason her husband, Jeff, does, because we’re so different that she enables me to perceive things I wouldn’t otherwise. What binds us and has for over thirty-five years is our mutual love and respect of animals as animals. We’ve been through so much together–marriage, divorce, kids, grandkids, loss of parents, the perils and joys of getting older, animal experiences too numerous to count, many tears, but so much more laughter.

So here’s to Ann, the best bud I could ever have and BeeBee and the rest of the nonhuman gang’s best bubby. Without her, BeeBee wouldn’t be here and my life would be minus two key sources of love and light.

1 Comment
  1. Wow Myrna – what a lovely sentiment to which I can heartily attest! Ann has “chosen” all 3 of my dogs for me over the past 10 years and each one was exactly my match. She is certainly a gift and I’m glad for her that she also has a friend like you.