Episode 35 – The Chubby Conundrum

Technically, in this podcast I continue to master the new recorder settings that will provide the best quality while enabling me to record while staying ahead of Ollie and BeeBee who still think the recorder means “Play time!!” In fact, Ollie apparently has made that connection so well that if I leave the recorder somewhere where he can get it, he will take it to the dog couch and shake it out of its case. I’m happy to report that the recorder suffered no negative effects from two episodes of this, and I learned to keep it in an Ollie-proof place.

You can find the National Pet Obesity Day Study here.

And finally, after you listen to the podcast ask yourself if you can think of any greater gift than providing our pets with environments that enable them to master the simple joy of being. So far, I haven’t been up to come up with one.

Happy listening.