Episode 51 – Knowing Not

The article that precipitated this podcast was “Self-Reported Comprehension Ratings of Dog Behavior by Puppy Owners” by Keven J. Kerswell, Pauleen Bennett, Kym L. Butler and Paul H. Hemsworth. It was published in Anthrozoos, Volume 22, Issue 2, June, 2009, pages 183-193.

At the time I recorded this, Bamboo was 3 1/2 months old and had exposed me to six week’s worth of subtle and not-so-subtle feline behaviors that gained their unique spin in our household.


During that same interval, BeeBee’s unique lexicon also expanded as she struggled to make her peace with a mind that told her she should replace Frica as the head of the Frica-BeeBee-Ollie group and a body wracked by disabilities that negated this.  Some days she decided that the best solution was just to dig a nest in the pouffy dogbed and go to sleep.