Episode 57 – Speaking for Animals?

This podcast meanders a bit about that old bumper sticker sentiment, “I speak for the animals.” Fortunately, it seems to have disappeared but the thoughts it evoked years ago still remain. And even though the bumper sticker no longer exist, its supporters are live and kicking.

And lest you think I’ve taken up exotic dancing in my spare time and walk around with little tinkling bangles as I record, those sounds in the background are Ollie’s and Fric’s tags as they play with the cat. I keep telling myself I need to remove their collars before I start recording, but I always forget.

A few pictures of the miscreants:

DSC_2953 Bamboo stalks the camera while Ollie worries about it.

DSC_2963 Frica hunkers down in the dog drawer to avoid the flash while Bam acts superior.

DSC_2966 Getting ready to leap on the windowsill.

1 Comment
  1. At the risk of sounding redundant, you have outdone yourself once again in properly assessing what is really going on and what the REAL situation is. Thank you! I am getting repetitive in blogging your podcasts on my blog lol but I can’t help it, they are too good not to share!