Episode 56 – Propagated Errors and Truth

I believe that it was Mark Twain who noticed what dunderheads his parents were when he was young, and how much wiser they became as he got older. I’ve had that same experience, not only with my parents, but also with a lot of my ideas about animal-related scientific and other conclusions. There were many I thought were absolutely, no-doubt-about-it true when I was younger about which I now think, “Boy, did I get that wrong!”  This has happened so often that I now accept how relative truth actually is.

Even what I say in this podcast might or might not to be true for you. Or it might be true for you—and even me—today, but not tomorrow. I’d find that disconcerting if I didn’t realize that animals often have to adjust their idea of truth to live with us. If they can do it, why should it be such a big deal for us?

1 Comment
  1. Now that was interesting and also cool to hear where you got this topic from. Thanks as always for the deep thinking Myrna!