Episode 72 – When Exact Isn’t Good Enough

I’m writing this at a time that some of you may have never experienced. It’s not in the wee hours of the morning or in some exotic time zone. I’m writing this at approximately 10:40 a.m.  Not exactly 10:38 or 10:41 as your digital clock, watch, computer, or iPhone might tell you. I’m writing this at some time roughly around 10:40, give or take a few minutes. This deliciously uncertain state is courtesy of the analog wall clock in my office. If I looked at the digital clock on my computer or the one in the bedroom, each would tell me exactly what time it is. Or, rather, exactly what time each of them thinks it is. And, more likely than not, the two won’t agree. And I for one wouldn’t bet the ranch that either of them is correct given I take a reading from my battery powered analog watch or clock to reset them when the power goes out and the “right” time when I start this process with the digital clock on the oven will be the wrong time by the time I reach the digital clock in the bedroom. To compensate for this I guess, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. So unlike my analog clock which is always in the right time ballpark, my digital clocks are either totally right or completely wrong.

Digital systems in computers and in  yes/no, positive/negative, normal/abnormal thought patterns are the subject of this week’s podcast. Like the little girl with the little curl right in the middle of her forehead, when used in environments where only such either/or options exist, they’re very, very good. But when we try to apply them to areas where multiple alternatives or shades of grey may exist, well, they can be pretty doggone horrid.