Episode 75 – Getting the Big Picture

Something else about the gift magazine that serves as the jumping off point for this podcast: the issue I received was 2 years old!  There was something about getting a brand new copy of a 2-year-old magazine for my waiting room that struck me as incredibly funny. I mean, what better place for an old magazine than in a waiting room?

This caused me to imagine a creative publisher (an unusual state in and of itself) pondering what to do with that stack of perfectly good, but old magazines in the corner. He—I’m sure it’s a he because this is definitely a publication aimed at males—ponders more lucrative markets for old magazines than the local recycling center. His mind drifts toward places where he routinely sees old magazines. Immediately the waiting room of the local medical clinic pops into his mind. Probably not a good match. But then he has a eureka! moment.

And as a result of this, or some other quirk of fate, I wind up with the crisp new copy of a 2-year-old magazine that served as a catalyst for this podcast. Sort of cosmic in its own way.