Episode 100 – The 100th Podcast

One of the things that happens when I record a podcast is that, as with my writing, it sometimes doesn’t go where I plan it should go when I start. This happens even when I have a list of points I want to cover. Usually I manage to get the first few points recorded, but then something happens and I meander off in some other direction. Perhaps aliens take over my mind. Or maybe that’s another perk of age: there are more mental trails that my notes open for my exploration. If I recall one I think is more interesting than the one I had in mind in when I wrote the note—or if I happened to forget the first one—down that path I go.

So what began as an overview of the past 100 weeks turned into something else, including a celebration of getting older.

You may notice that I didn’t brag about my continued mastery of electronic technology. I didn’t because I couldn’t without lying.

Also note that no cats were harmed in the recording of this podcast.  In our 50-odd weeks together, Bamboo has made it clear that he has more than 9 lives and he intends to live them all…even if he has to shorten my life to do it. 🙂

1 Comment
  1. Great podcast 😎 Looking forward to the next 100! You really make me think! 😎