Episode 202- Trailer Ecology

When I was a child, I always wanted to live in a place with a natural source of running water, some old ruins,  and the distant sound of a railroad. This place fulfilled all three of those criteria years ago. But since then, we’ve added a new set of ruins. Oh, not ruins in the sense of the Pyramids or that Titanic or the strange stone structure in my basement. But ruins in their own way and worthy of note.

For those unfamiliar with the fishers I mention as possibly involved in the reclamation process, here’s a brief overview. They’re striking animals and tough predators as anything that preys on porcupines has to be. One thing this thumbnail description fails to mention is that the males can be more than 3’ long counting the tail. And even though they weigh about the same as many domestic cats (8-13 pounds) they can be fearless as any animals whose prey is often bigger than they are must be.  Still there’s something about them when they’re running that reminds me of little velvety anteaters. Not exactly sure why…