Frica and the Aliens

Alien Trek – 2/21/08

Sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, the alien moved from the center of the yard to near the walk and there it sat until this morning. It was close enough that BeeBee could sniff it by putting her front feet up on the snow bank next to it. Fric observed this, but did nothing beyond peeing a discreet distance from the alien, presumably to mark it as hers. Then this morning we had a first in a long time. I took the dogs with me when I went down to put a letter in the mailbox, with Fric

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Alien Aerobics – 2/19/02

From Monday evening to Tuesday afternoon, the alien was quite active. Somewhere along the line, it moved from the rug in the living room by the couch to an area rug by the aquarium. The next time I noticed it, it was on another area rug by the chaise where Watson and the cat spend a lot of time. I never saw any of the pets near it so I have no idea how it got from one place to another. However, when I returned home mid-afternoon today, Fric grabbed it and took it outside. And there it still

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Sunday Alien Outing: 02/18/08

I’m back to dating these again because I got way behind in posting the updates. Frica did the “Oh, my God, there’s the yellow alien!!!” routine yesterday morning, running toward the alien on the kitchen floor as if she’d been searching for it for years. She picked it up and started to take it upstairs, but the cat was on the back of the couch and took a swipe at her. When she opened her mouth to bark at the cat, she dropped the alien–isn’t there an Aesop’s fable about something like this?— and it bounced off the back

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Lower Level Alien

Since I last wrote, the yellow alien has confined its movements to the downstairs. The first move took it from by the front door to the part of the open concept area I use for a living room. Perhaps it was thinking about doing some entertaining. There it remained until I went to see clients yesterday morning. When I returned mid-afternoon, it was in the kitchen area, seeking a snack or a cup of tea perhaps. BeeBee was in her crate when I was gone so she was not responsible for this. Frica certainly could have been because she

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The Alien Shuffle 02/14/08

When we last left the yellow alien, it was doing God-knows-what where while I was watching my driveway turn into a sheet of ice. Several hours later, it appeared in kitchen near the table, about 5′ from its previous location. At this point you might be tempted to think, “Um, OK. Bad weather, can’t go anywhere. Old bat living alone. Probably got into the cooking sherry.” Although I might have if I’d had some,all I have in the house are two half bottles of wine vinegar (one white, one red) and several bottles of Bach flower remedies that I

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Oh, boy…

The snow has changed to rain and the ice is piling up on the trees so I’m going to try to get this off before I lose power. (How’s that for an optimistic view of my power company!?) Apparently Mars is not retrograde enough that it enhances alien communication because there have been some strange things going on around here the past 24 hours. The yellow alien remained downstairs and did not move overnight, but yesterday Fric carried a catnip mouse downstairs the same way she carried the alien. This, too, she treated as something other than a toy.

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Alien Reprise

Frica moved the alien out of the bedroom this morning and left it on the top step. There it remained until mid-morning when she took it downstairs where it now lies next to another yellow toy. I think I’ve discovered why she’s been so bitchy toward Bee: Bee is obviously in heat. Can’t believe I missed all the early signs. This is the first time I’d had a tailless dog in heat and it’s not easy keeping her pants on without a tail to anchor them. I have to rethink this… I don’t blame Fric for not wanting the

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Mars in Retrograde 02/11/08

I have no idea what a retrograding Mars looks like apparently that’s what Mars is doing now, which might explain why the yellow alien is on the move again. When I went to bed last night, it was still on the floor downstairs. When I woke up this morning it was on the rug at the foot of my bed. Fric had to go out twice last night and she could have grabbed it after she came in and I never would have noticed because I don’t turn on any lights. Given that I was half asleep both times

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Three Week Anniversary 02/10/08

Sometimes I think the animals in my life wait for me to make assumptions or come to conclusions just so they can refute them. No doubt part of their strategy to keep me humble. Saturday I was in the bedroom for some reason, Fric followed me in, jumped on the bed, grabbed the yellow alien and moved it back into the office again. This occurred after we had company, including one of the pups from her first litter. She dropped the alien near the top of the stairs where it remained until late afternoon. Shortly after she brought it

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Alien Specialists 02/09/08

Someone once defined a specialist as a person who knows more and more about less and less. I think I can legitimately call myself an alien specialist because the only alien who is moving is the yellow one and it’s not moving very much. I think Frica moved it a few inches on the bed so it was next to her when she slept, but after hauling wood and shoveling ice and snow for a good chunk of the day, I can honestly say I don’t remember much after my head hit the pillow. This morning I moved the

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