Episode 18 – Holiday Miracles

A few visuals to go along with this week’s podcast.  It’s difficult to get a good picture of the basement stairs because of their location. But these two pictures will give you come idea of their steepness. The first is of the stone structure that is about 7′ high, and the stairs to the left that end on a concrete pad. The second is a view of the area behind the structure. You can see the steepness of the stairs as well as the narrowness of the treads in the lower right.

head-on between-structure-and-wall

Next are some pictures I took of BeeBee in the office the day after the miracle occurred. In addition to stalking dust-balls and hoping to sneak up on the cat or Ollie sleeping under my desk,

dsc-2593 dsc-2596

she also allowed me one reasonably good shot to prove she was fine


before making it quite clear that the flash was interfering with her play time and that she had had enough in her own imitable semi-paralyzed BeeBee way.

dsc-2597 dsc-2598