Episode 522 – Going Au Natural in a Changing Environment

Think of going au natural in a changing environment as a local phenomenon. A very local phenomenon. One that happens around your own home.

Above we see the red bee balm fleeing for the woods and the companionship of the natives.

Below left is the yellow jacket-inspired garden.  And on the right, an excellent example of the previously unknown (to me) kinship between echinacea or cone flowers and a mixture of milkweed and ferns.

Next,  a tribute to the cultivated yellow foxglove who struggled valiantly but only attracted the smallest of pollinators while the bulk of them opted for the plants’ wild cousins growing in the woods… Which goes to show that beauty and novelty isn’t everything.

And finally, I’d like to thank my devoted assistant, Bamboo, for his invaluable support and encouragement. Everyone should have someone who thinks what you’re doing is sometimes the strangest, but often most wonderful thing he/she/they have ever seen.

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